Mobile Work Machine Academic Fellows is a groundbreaking initiative that brings together leading professors from five Finnish universities to foster innovation and excellence in the mobile work machine industry.
The Academic Fellows are Antero Kutvonen and Aki Mikkola from LUT University, Ville Kyrki and Risto Ojala from Aalto University, Matti Vilkko and Reza Ghabcheloo from Tampere University, Emil Kurvinen and Juho Könnö from Oulu University and Wallace Moreira Bessa and Tomi Westerlund from University of Turku.
They were chosen by their peers to represent their universities and to act as networkers within and across the academic institutions, connecting the diverse expertise and resources to the industry needs.
The common objectives of the collaboration are following the guidelines set originally by the industry driven SIX Mobile Machines Cluster:
- To create efficient and effective joint innovation development
- To develop competence and availability of talents
- To increase visibility and impact in Finland and globally
The industry also highlighted the need for the universities to specialize and excel in their respective areas of strength, rather than trying to cover everything. This would enable a more productive and synergistic collaboration at the national and international level.
The consortium was successful in obtaining funding of almost 8 million euros to educate 31 more PhDs in this domain. The Mobile Work Machines Academic Fellows will be a forum and a platform for creating substantial impact to the industry and the society.
Mobile Work Machine Academic Fellows development work is boosted with the help of SIX PoE project that is a national project part of Innocities/Innokaupungit ( program and funded by ERDF.
Read the whole article: Mobile Work Machine Academic Fellows: A visionary initiative to support the transformation of the industry (
Twin transition of mobile work machines (SIX-PoE) – Innokaupungit
Photo: Heini Wallander, Business Tampere