FMWM 2024: Factory work must be made more attractive

Future Mobile Work Machine 2024 was arranged 28.-29.5. as a 2-day-happening at Tampere Hall, Tampere, Finland. It was the third time, and certainly the biggest and most international version of itself, so far.

Autonomy, electrification and alternative energy sources, AI, sustainability and of course future of the mobile work machines, to mention a few topics from the biggest mobile work machine event of the year.

It became clear in the presentations and speeches, that the green transition and sustainable actions are on the agenda of companies for reasons other than just regulation. Great! Also, sustainability isn’t only about electrification, it is a cross-cutting theme that is embedded in machine design & manufacturing, logistics, work processes etc.

The big topics of the industry from the last few years, automation and autonomy, and electrification of power trains and actuators, are still valid and every machine manufacturer needs to address this development. However, the diversity of non-road mobile machinery and their operating environments means that in different domains e.g. mining or forestry, the implementation of autonomy and electrification is different both in timeline and functionality.

Sustainable power solutions include also other energy carriers such as hydrogen and biofuels. Also, automation and autonomy are seen easier to achieve in the machinery industry than in the automotive sector, mainly because work environments are usually more or less confined environments.

Increasing automation and the utilization of AI will change the role of humans and take it more in the direction of process supervisors as opposed to operators and doers of the actual work. Also, companies producing mobile machines need to make the factory work more appealing. To get new generations of experts working in factories it needs to be safe, intelligent, clean, and served with up-to-date analytics.

Read the whole report: The Future Mobile Work Machine 2024 event had an atmosphere of openness and facing the future challenges together (

Photo: Fiia Ketonen

Twin transition of mobile work machines (SIX-PoE) – Innokaupungit