The EUI Capacity Building training event offered new information and networks in Tampere 29-30th May, 2024. 26 cities from 11 countries participated.
Fulvio Rizzo Vantaan kaupungilta kertoo tuoreita kuulumisia EUI-tapahtuman annista.
But what does Leveraging Innovation Ecosystems for Sustainables Cities actually mean? EUI summed up the days:
Here are the main learnings:
The fundamentals of Innovation Districts and Testbeds.
To engage and embark stakeholders from the start to create an effective value chain to achieve the city vision.
To combine long-term city vision on inclusion, climate neutrality and economic development and opportunities for funding.
To foster citizen-centric innovations.
Looking for more? Here a few tips coming straight from our case studies:
Don’t be afraid to set high ambitions and dream big.
Think and take baby steps.
Be a human engineer: don’t forget to include a sociological approach to your innovations.
Try and test pilots to later scale up.
Find inspiration and do a City-to-City Exchange with your European peers.
Coming up
On the event page you’ll find more information about:
EUI INNOVATIVE ACTIONS Open call till 10/2024 FINEST SMART CITY CHALLENGE Pilot programme for cities. HORIZON EUROPE DECARBONIZED CITIES , Business FinlandCITIES MISSION , NetZeroCities, TWIN CITIES URBACT Next call in 2025.
Mariana Salvado tells about Fundão participating in the EUI Tampere event.
Suvi Aho tells us how she was inspired by the event and the city of Fundão.
Pauliina Pikkujämsä from Business Joensuu tells about the importance of networking.
Maria Giovanna Zamburlini from Schaerbeek Brussells tells about her thoughts about EUI event in Tampere.