InnoCity Oulu’s leading development themes are digitalisation of cities in the changing urban environment, digital well-being and health solutions, as well as sustainable circular economy and clean solutions.

Digitalisation in the changing urban environment
The goal is to develop digital solutions for the everyday needs of citizens and companies, as well as replicable products for the international market. The city and other alliance partners support and accelerate development by providing piloting and urban development environments. In Oulu, digitalisation in the changing urban environment means the development of the MetaCity project, future information networks, data spaces and autonomous devices and vehicles.
Digital solutions for health and well-being – OuluHealth
The goal is to build an attractive innovation, research, testing and development environment for virtual health and well-being services in Oulu by 2027 with a strong national and international network. The development of future health technology and services will be accelerated in a unique framework by utilising and applying the results of top-level research regarding 5G and also 6G technology in the future, as well as smart digital health and data solutions.
Sustainable circular economy and cleantech solutions
In promoting a circular economy, production and consumption are increasingly based on responsible raw materials as well as renewable energy and services, rather than on ownership. Oulu focuses on new-generation energy products and services, new solutions for waste and side streams, carbon-neutral steel, hydrogen economy and water expertise.
In addition, the growth of business based on the Oulu Innovation Alliance’s target sectors is strongly supported in Oulu, e.g. with business ecosystem and forecasting services, continuous learning services and active startup operations.
Oulu Innovation Alliance (oulu.fi)
Oulu ecosystem agreement (In Finnish tem.fi)
Contact information:
Maria Vuorensola, Programme Manager, maria.vuorensola@businessoulu.com 040 760 1288