From tropical Nepal to cold Finland

Muna Chaudhary believes that Joensuu has a significant advantage due to its vast range of resources, which makes it an attractive hub for various companies in the forestry industry.
Muna Chaudhary, 27, has been working in Joensuu at Arbonaut Oy since 2022. He works as a Geographic Information System and remote sensing analyst.
Chaudhary completed his Bachelor of Science in Forestry in Nepal in 2020, after which he applied to the Master of Science in European Forestry programme in 2021, which included studying both in Finland and abroad. Chaudhary arrived in Joensuu in July 2021.
As part of Chaudhary’s Master’s programme, he spent a year in Finland and then another in Germany, where he completed his master’s thesis. He has also visited Spain, France, Romania, and Austria to observe how forestry skills and knowledge are applied in different contexts.
Through these experiences, he gained extensive knowledge of forestry by collaborating with local professors, students, foresters, and colleagues. Despite these travels, Chaudhary chose to return to Finland, he has enjoyed his time in Joensuu.
Read the whole article: From tropical Nepal to cold Finland | Joensuun Uutiset